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EDITORIAL: Density, done right, is no enemy of charm

EDITORIAL: Density, done right, is no enemy of charm

High land costs mean tough choices for politicians and developers
EDITORIAL: Maryland journalists killed in pursuit of truth

EDITORIAL: Maryland journalists killed in pursuit of truth

Five people were gunned down in the Capital Gazette newsroom
Saanich, Victoria need clarity in wording of referendum question

Saanich, Victoria need clarity in wording of referendum question

Historic meeting of two councils on referendum question for amalgamation
Hey Saanich, get real with pot

Hey Saanich, get real with pot

The approach of Saanich towards the pending legalization of recreational cannabis appears sensible in the short-term, but potentially detrimental in the long-term.
Editorial: What’s all the fuss about pot?

Editorial: What’s all the fuss about pot?

Don’t worry, be happy about pot legalization
EDITORIAL: Images of suffering children reflect new American reality

EDITORIAL: Images of suffering children reflect new American reality

They’re sounds and images that could melt the coldest of hearts. But the heart-wrenching scenes playing out along the southern U.S. border are not enough to cut through the xenophobic zeal that now passes itself off as American immigration policy.
EDITORIAL: Minority rules in our colourful culture

EDITORIAL: Minority rules in our colourful culture

Quibbles over symbolic rainbow crossings belie critics’ genuine concerns
EDITORIAL: Enforcement the key to affecting change

EDITORIAL: Enforcement the key to affecting change

Tenants will play a key role in making newly enacted renter protections work as intended
EDITORIAL: Fueling our fear with higher gas prices

EDITORIAL: Fueling our fear with higher gas prices

Higher gas prices are said to drive us to take public transit. Are we there yet?
EDITORIAL: Food fight breaks out in B.C. Legislature

EDITORIAL: Food fight breaks out in B.C. Legislature

Private members bill would eliminate $61-a-day per diem for local MLAs in Greater Victoria