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Mayor says no to big box stores

I want to set the record straight with regard to my views on the value of big box store retailing in Sidney.

In a talk to the Chamber of Commerce, I drew attention to the recent beautification of Goldstream Avenue in Langford. I then suggested that before Sidney undertakes a refurbishment of Beacon Avenue that council and representatives of the business community should visit Goldstream Avenue to see the impact of Langford's landscaping on its main street. All of my remarks on this matter were focused on maintaining and enhancing the attractiveness of Beacon Avenue in order to keep our downtown "sparkling".

The headline in the Peninsula News Review of Jan. 25 (and subsequent letters to the editor) have generated the mistaken impression that I want to see big box stores in Sidney.

I do not.

My vision for the town sees an economically vibrant main street made up of independent local merchants who offer residents and visitors an authentic small town experience.

The headline in no way reflected my comments or my thoughts.

Larry Cross,

Sidney mayor