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Aquaculture alternatives

Has anyone noticed that all of the letters in support of salmon farming come from those employed in the industry? The thousands of others come from BC residents.

Has anyone noticed that our waterways, harbours and anchorages are becoming privatized? We need our waters to belong to the people of BC and Canada.

Has anyone noticed that the world wide track record of open net salmon farms in the ocean has been devastating to the local communities? This goes for BC as well. The world’s science has been proven by experience. The industry’s science has been proven by the industry.

Has anyone noticed that the production of farmed “salmon” results in a net loss to the world? We are robbing oceans to feed the wealthy, not the world.

Has anyone noticed that there are much better alternatives for land-based aquaculture with other species of fish? This blows away the myth of preserving jobs; there are many new jobs to be created here. Our government must listen to the thousands of BC residents, not the industry.

It’s time to notice. Ask your candidates if they will remove private aquaculture to land.

Barbara Watson,
