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One 97-year-old’s advice to the CRD on the future Central Saanich park

When Patricia Stanlake was a girl, she used to run through the sand and hide between the logs on Island View Beach.
At 97, Patricia Stanlake has enjoyed Island View Beach for much longer than the CRD has been in existence. Her advice to the CRD is to leave the beach alone. (Tim Collins/News staff)

When Patricia Stanlake was a girl, she used to run through the sand and hide between the logs on Island View Beach.

If the CRD’s plan is approved on July 12 , the current generation of little boys and girls won’t be afforded the same opportunity.

The CRD plans to fence off an area stretching from the north parking lot of the park, along the berm pathway all the way to the Tsawout First Nation’s land on the north end of the park. Their proposed plan would allow only two narrow access points to the beach, excluding all the area where logs and sand intermingle to provide what Stanlake and generations of children after her have used to play, picnic and generally enjoy the beach.

“I’m 97 years old and I was here a long time before the CRD. My friend’s brother used to own this as farm land and we used to camp right here for over 30 years. I was happy when the CRD bought this land because I thought it would be safe for the future but now…” said Stanlake, sadly shaking her head as she watched children climbing over the logs in the soon to be restricted area.

“What are they (the CRD) doing? Leave the beach alone. I don’t know what they’re thinking and to tell the truth, I don’t think they do either,” said Stanlake.

I just want them to leave the park alone. I hope they come to their senses and do the right thing.”