Ten-year-old Abby Blecic, a Grade 5 student at Kelset Elementary school, quietly celebrated being named a semi-finalist in a national writing contest last week.
“She is very humble,” laughed her mother, Melanie.
Abby was one of 20 semi-finalists announced earlier this month in Genworth Financial Canada’s annual Habitat for Humanity Writing contest. The contest was open to Grade 4, 5 and 6 students from across Canada and required that students submitted a small story, poem or video about the meaning of home. The contest serves to bring awareness to the importance of what Habitat for Humanity stands for.
“What she wrote really resonated with my husband and I,” said Melanie. “We always talk to our kids about the importance of home and the difference between a house and a home so it was very neat to see it come out in her on paper.”
Abby wrote the poem at school as part of a class activity by her teacher, Susan McRae, who was the one who actually submitted the poem to the contest.
“Mrs. McRae received the letter last week that said Abby was one of the semi-finalists,” said Melanie. “Abby was super excited when she found out but she’s very humble so she was definitely quietly excited,” smiled her mother.
The students wrote the letters in the late fall and once Abby had heard she was named a semi-finalist last week, she was asked to read the poem for the school.
“It was family literacy last week, so she was asked to read the poem for the whole school which was really special.” Each eligible entry received in Genworth’s contest saw $5 donated to the Habitat For Humanity location closest to their city of residence. The contest winner got the honour of choosing the next community where Genworth will donate $60,000 towards the building of a new Habitat home this year.
How Home Feels
My perfect image of a home is a place where people stand up for you and others. When you give or get a hug you feel warmth in your heart.
A home is a place where you can say what’s on your mind. It is a place where you can laugh, giggle or smile and where you can be with your family and have their support.
The feeling of home is like a warm blanket after a cold day of playing outside. There is a huge difference between a house and a home. A house is just a place with a roof but a home is a place where you live, laugh and feel comfort.
Home is where you sleep in peace and let dreams flow through your head.
Home is where you play with your siblings and parents, a place to enjoy a meal and be loved by your family.
Home is a place that makes a difference in your feeling of happiness or sorrow.
Home is that spot in your heart that says, ‘I’m safe.’