With a week left to collect donations, organizers of the Peninsula Santa’s Helpers toy drive worry they won’t have enough gifts for the 250 children registered with the Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank.
Both new toys and coin donations to the Peninsula News Review’s Coins for Kids campaign that directly supports the toy drive are extremely low.
“We are still in need of donations for all ages. Great options are art supplies, sports equipment and board games,” says Carey Salvador says
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Peninsula Santa’s Helpers is the only toy drive that works directly with the Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank Christmas hamper program to ensure no one in the community goes without during the holidays. All donations go directly to families on the Peninsula.
Donations of new toys are accepted until Dec. 17 and can be dropped off at the Mary Winspear Centre, Peninsula News Review, Buddies Toys, Panorama Recreation Centre and Van Isle Marina.
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