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Are you an ocean hero?

Contest announced at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre

SIDNEY — The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is excited to announce its 2013 Ocean Heroes Contest.

Nominees need to be active ocean-enthusiasts, living on Vancouver Island or the surrounding Gulf Islands, who one way or another makes a positive difference when it comes to our local Salish Sea.

The aim of the Ocean Heroes Contest is to recognize everyday citizens working hard to improve the health of our ocean ecosystem through conservation, advocacy and education efforts.

We’re calling on the members of our community to nominate their Ocean Hero and ask that they submit a name and photo of their nominee (along with their own name and contact information) and a 200-word (or less) description of the person’s accomplishments.

There are three age categories to choose from, adult (18-years and up), youth (Grades 8 to 12) or junior (up to Grade 7). The winner from each category will be presented with their award on Saturday, June 8, during the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre’s World Oceans Day event.

Need an example of an Ocean Hero? How about your college professor who spent his entire life’s work deciphering mating rituals of sea slugs?

Or your Nana who spends an hour each day on the beach picking up sharp glass and refuge left behind?

Just be sure to tell us exactly why your nominee is a hero, we can’t wait to hear the story.

More information about the contest is available on our website at Nominations, which must be received by May 21, can be submitted to

— Submitted