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Platform of self-congratulation

With the internet revolution, citizens must be increasingly vigilant about who controls the message

Re: Sidney’s Corporate Communications Strategy and Town Talk.

With the internet revolution and the rush for control of communications, citizens must be increasingly vigilant about who controls the message and whether democracy is served by a Corporate Communication Plan, driven by industry.

Vision 2020, the Town’s Strategic Plan, the first line in Town Talk, states is a vital tool to engage all community stakeholders. That is corporate new-speak, meaning those with vested or special interests.

It’s a difficult double-edged sword to wield.

On one hand, it can promote democracy and local culture by keeping the public informed and engaged, but at what point does Town Talk and a website become a platform for self-congratulation and business promotion at the expense of democracy and citizen interests ?

Or a flashing billboard promoting art and business.

Who is to decide what special interest group or agenda is promoted?

James K. Finley
