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LETTER: Climate concerns carry economic costs


Fossil fuels was a derogatory term used by Greenpeace, and to this day they still don’t understand how the world works with emissions.

Paul Watson recently said climate change fear-mongering is absurd and not within the scope of geologists, astronomers, weather data, computer modeling, or basic common sense. Yet every week someone feeds off the misinformation, and usually when you repeat things incessantly it becomes the norm, despite the many fallacies.

Given fuel burning is a small percentage of CO2, it will do no good to eliminate it, as we live on CO2. Your recent letter writer failed to mention the absurd cost of electric heating, and many areas around the globe burn fuel to make power. I cannot afford a sub panel and a heat pump which may not heat my home during a cold spell. I don’t think our country can reduce emissions given we own 7% of the world’s land, yet produce 0.5% of emissions.

Our emissions could go up 14 times according to our size, and it’s still a drop in the bucket compared to the U.S. or China. We are all going broke trying to be the poster child for clean living. Our food supply will dwindle due to the Liberals’ new fertilizer costs and continuing extra taxes on farmers. We continue to tax carbon, and consumption increases.

So in a nutshell this is just another tax Canadians absorb which is in most things we buy now. If certain groups continue to publish fallacies and misinformation, the only footprint you’ll need to worry about is the last one humankind makes due to the endless fear-mongering and wasted GDP we contribute to, which will have a domino effect in health care, infrastructure, social services, health care, and public education, ironically the source of misinformation taught by schools and funded by our federal leaders. Many of the aforementioned problems we face now will get worse given the population explosion, despite understanding that CO2 is (or was) Grade 6 education.

Stuart Walker

Central Saanich