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Is it a simple question with a simple answer?

Most people have a very difficult time limiting their response to a one word answer.

I’ve been asking people I know this question: “If we were given the opportunity by the Prime Minister of Canada and the Premier of British Columbia, to put it to a vote whether we should continue to emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere or not, would you vote ‘yes we should’ or ‘no we should not’.”

I ask them to restrict their answer to just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ based on their own personal beliefs and understanding.

Would you, the reader, be willing to give your ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote in an e-mail to the editor of this paper?

My own straw poll has been very interesting.  Most people have a very difficult time limiting their response to a one word answer.  How about you? Yes? Or No?

Brian Trotto
