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Don’t blame the most vulnerable

Please don’t blame the most vulnerable of our society for the demands of the BCTF for class size and composition

Re: Ministry Caused Problems in the Classroom, PNR, Sept. 19.

I am a retired teacher as is the writer. I also happen to have a child with a developmental disability and she was included throughout her school career.

Thank goodness that inclusion happened during her education.

She learned how to behave and speak from her peers and expectations were higher.

Her peers in turn learned tolerance of people with diversities, something which the letter-writer seems to have missed.

The ministry had very little to do with the inclusion of students with differences.

Individual school boards decided on placements and some were more backward than others.

I can attest to this as we were in five different districts during her time, and some districts were more forward-looking than others.

My daughter went on to modified courses at university for four years and took Education and Wellness.

She taught upcoming teachers by her presence and participation in class.

She now has a job. Most students “graduating” from segregated classes don’t.

She is a loyal employee and corrects the mistakes more short term non-disabled employees make.

Please don’t blame the most vulnerable of our society for the demands of the BCTF for class size and composition.

We are past the debate of whether disabled children belong in our society.

Sandra Phillips

North Saanich