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Carelessness at Christmastime upsets grandmother

Young man crossed cougar's path in Central Saanich, but driver didn't stop to help

A message to the coward who just passed my grandson on the road while there was a cougar right there, near the Smitty’s in Brentwood Bay, a few weeks ago.

My grandson came to spend the holidays with me and told us about the incident. The driver could have at least honked the car horn to scare the cougar away. Instead the person just turned and drove the opposite way.

My grandson was walking home from working the night shift. He saw that Smitty’s workers were just opening the restaurant, so he went there until he thought it was safe.

I hope that this letter might save somebody’s life. Thank God it didn’t attack my grandson. That I am thankful for.

Yvonne Pierre

Pitt Meadows