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Be part of the solution

I was saddened and distressed to read the letter by Bob Peart who is a discouraged volunteer.

I was saddened and distressed to read the letter by Bob Peart who is a discouraged volunteer. I work with  the Parks Advisory and Heritage Advisory Commissions whose volunteers have produced a five year Parks Plan and a five year Heritage Plan. These documents would probably not exist without great expense to the District, if not for the dedication of these volunteers.

It is through commissions that councils have the opportunity to better inform their decisions. Can you imagine what the landscape of North Saanich would look like if we didn’t have a body of voices to speak up for green spaces for parks, or capture the sense of community identity through heritage?

I encourage you all to be a voice for our community. I care more because of the people I work for, and work with passion for the community I live in. I encourage you to be part of the solution.

Kelly Albucz

North Saanich