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Abusers need jail time

I’m writing in response to the letter posted Jan. 19 by Eileen Nattrass (BC needs tougher laws).

I’m writing in response to the letter posted Jan. 19 by Eileen Nattrass (BC needs tougher laws).

I wholeheartedly agree that British Columbia needs to toughen up the laws that protect animals. It’s one thing to prosecute people but the punishment never seems to fit the crime.

A fine and a ban from owning a dog is not enough of a deterrent. Jail time is what’s needed. Before arguing that our jails are already over crowded, let’s not forget that many of the people in jail right now that have committed heinous crimes and even not so heinous crimes have started their criminal careers by abusing or killing animals.

People who abuse lesser species or others that are in a weakened state are capable of far, far greater wrongs. We need to stop just looking at who the victim is before handing out a sentence but look at the crime itself as the punishable deed. Murder, assault, rape, forcible confinement are all horrible crimes. The culpability of an individual to perform these deeds needs to be dealt with swiftly and severely.

Do you want these criminals on the street? By properly punishing individuals who hurt, maim and kill defenceless animals, the province of BC would be a safer place for everyone.

E. McBride,

Central Saanich