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Families safe after fire destroys 5 homes on Penelakut Island

Blaze tore through 5-unit housing complex on the island off Chemainus, gofundme launched

A fire tore through a five-unit housing complex on Penelakut Island on Jan. 16, destroying all five buildings. No injuries have been reported. 

In a Facebook post, Penelakut chief Chakeenakwaut Jack expressed relief that all residents escaped safely. 

“I am relieved to report that all families in the affected homes have made it out safely and currently reside in temporary housing at local hotels. As we begin rebuilding, we are committed to finding permanent homes for displaced families,” said the chief.

Penelakut Island's volunteer fire department requested mutual aid around 6:45 p.m. and crews from North Cowichan and Thetis Island fire departments were deployed to assist.

North Cowichan Fire Department deputy chief Chris Jancowski said their team coordinated with BC Ferries, BC Emergency Health Services and community members to have crews picked up in Chemainus. North Cowichan sent an engine company and a brush truck to Penelakut and established a temporary heliport at Chemainus Secondary School to ensure advanced life support paramedics were on standby.

Chief Jack thanked the Penelakut Fire Department, North Cowichan and Thetis Island fire departments, RCMP, emergency crews and Lyackson Chief Thomas for sending assistance.

Social media calls for clothing and essential items were followed by a Fundraising campaign to support displaced families. Within 12 hours, more than $13,000 had been raised in cash while members of the community and beyond have mobilized to collect clothing and supplies for the affected familirs, which include children and adults.

"In the spirit of community support, we are grateful for the outpour of clothing and furniture donations for those impacted," Jack said.