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Astronomy society holding Island Star Party in Saanichton

The event will be at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church on the nights of Aug. 9 and Aug.10
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is holding the Island Star Party in Saanichton from Aug. 9 to Aug. 11. (Courtesy of Spencer Bialek)

Under dark skies on the grounds of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church on the nights of Aug. 9 and Aug. 10,  astronomers, space enthusiasts and other members of the public are invited to the Island Star Party in Saanichton, organized by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

“Everyone is welcome to set up their telescopes and bring binoculars to enjoy observing the night sky from a dark site,” said Star Party coordinator Randy Enkin in a news release. “Those who don’t have telescopes or binoculars can view the wonders of the universe at the Star Party through telescopes on the observing field.”

Gates are expected to open at 2 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 9, and will remain open until noon on Sunday August 11. Members of the public can drop in during the Star Party free of charge, and there is a suggested donation of $20 for people who choose to camp overnight.

Everyone who is present is entitled to tickets for door prizes, including a telescope. There will also be activities in the afternoons and evenings, including telescope walks, and expert speakers, including Trystyn Berg of the National Research Council’s Herzberg Research Institute and University of Victoria doctoral student Lowell Peltier.

For more information, visit

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