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Greater Victoria beer-makers brew up B.C., Canadian award-winning ales

Canada Beer Cup, B.C. Beer Awards handed out in Lower Mainland galas

From fruity ales to a Luminous Belgian Blond, south Island breweries are making a name for themselves, taking home awards from the Canada Beer Cup and the B.C. Beer Awards.

The national awards were dished out first, with a gala Oct. 18 in New Westminster.

Victoria’s Whistle Buoy Brewing Co. struck gold in Contemporary Sour Ales (without fruit) for its Fuzzy Peach and a silver in Specialty Wild or Mixed Fermentation for its Wild Raspberry.

Vancouver Island Brewery earned gold in the strong dark European lager for its Hermannator Ice Bock.

Saanichton's Category 12 earned gold in the Canadian Spruce Tip Beer for its Spruce Tip IPA and a silver in Belgian Ale for its Luminous Belgian Blond.

Mile Zero in Metchosin earned a pair of bronze medals in strong dark European lager for its Porter and English Style Bitter and Pale Ale for its ESB.

The big award, the 2024 Canada Beer Cup was presented to Pile O’ Bones Brewing of Regina, Sask. for its Quark, Strangeness, Charm, entered in the Witbier style category.

Find a full video of the gala online at and the full list of winners at

Locals also fared well at the B.C. Beer Awards the next day.

Whistle Buoy's Fuzzy Peach also finished second in Specialty Wild Ales at the B.C. competition.

Mile Zero scored a second-place finish in the Strong Ale or Lager falling to the VI Brewing Hermannator, which finished in first.

VI Brewing also scored third in the Dark Lager competition, a category won by Sooke Brewing Company with its Czech Dark Lager. The Sooke beer-maker also scored second in the Sour and Wild Ale competition with its Saison Brett.

Category 12 and its Quantum finished third in the Smoke and Wood Aged Beer entries.

The Super Power Hazy IPA by Phillips Brewing & Malting Co. finished third in the Imperial IPA category.

Find the full list of winners online at