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Don’t forget to leave room for a chair in smaller garden spaces

In the kitchen I have two narrow-necked small vases full of water in which I’ve put two pelargonium cuttings, and in the other, the stem of the tuberous begonia I accidently broke off last week. No sign of roots on any of them yet, but I’m trying to learn to be patient, although they probably hate my removing each of them every morning looking vainly for some sign of roots. I am trying to be patient, but am getting somewhat exasperated waiting. These small vases of (hopefully) rooting cuttings look sort of odd on the kitchen counter, and are in the way of my chopping onions or making muffins (not at the same time). Patience Helen!

Meanwhile it continues to remain much cooler than it should be at this time of year. I know it lets flowers last longer, but all the things that should either be sprouting or growing vigorously are either not showing up or are just sitting there looking unhappy. The weather has been strange not just here, but in many places around the world. My daughter just outside Kamloops reports that she looked out the window and saw what she thought must be moonlight on the grass that turned out to be snow. At least we have been spared that. And other places are having thunder storms, or deluges of rain, floods and cyclones, so we have many things to be thankful for.

This is the next day, and the thermometer reads two degrees. Where is all that global warming the scientists keep on about? Not here, not today, anyway.

I have bought myself two large plastic pots, too large actually, because now I need another bag of soil to fill them. However, I now have containers for the clematis and honeysuckle, and they will eventually have a suitable home.

I really hadn’t realized how complicated gardening up three floors was going to be. However I remain determined to make it lovely, and productive. Everything I read (that isn’t about the election) suggests that people are getting back to the soil, planting vegetables as well as flowers, and I am thrilled to see it, and can hardly wait for time to plant tomatoes and peppers. Oh dear, when I think about that it means more pots, and big ones for the tomatoes, and gradually less and less room for me, even to get a watering can out there, let alone a comfortable chair.