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Comatose bulbs may go back

Rain again today, and sort of foggy. Annie had asked me to join her in a visit to Butchart Gardens, but not a good day for sissies like me, so I begged off, and now probably the sun will come out.

The forecast is for rain all week, which makes it not great for blooming flowers. They tend to collapse from the weight of all that water.

On my walks there is a large magnolia soulangeana with flower buds swelling. I can hardly wait to see it in bloom. Whoever planted it was generous, as it overhangs the sidewalk so everyone can enjoy it. Nice!

That crazy hibiscus of mine is coming into flower again. There is one flower in bloom and six buds still to come. That plant has bloomed steadily for months now, and it worries me because some leaves are turning yellow, and it’s certanly not from lack of water as I put it in the sink every morning for about 10 minutes. It needs a rest, but does it listen to me? No. It just keeps on doing its thing in spite of my good advice.

Several weeks ago I bought three begonia bulbs at considerable cost, and brought them home and put them in a pot to sprout, putting the pot close to a baseboard heater to provide extra warmth. Only one has shown any signs of being alive. If something doesn’t happen soon I think I’ll return the two comatose bulbs to the nursery and suggest they refund my money. This is honestly not my fault as I do know about begonia bulbs. When, years ago, I had that small garden shop, my then-neighbour, Hazel, and I, planted 60 begonia bulbs in pots in the green-house, and every one grew. Some of the bulbs were planted up-side down, (it’s hard to tell the top from the bottom) but when they sprouted they were put right, and every one lived.

It is time I bought and planted sweet pea seeds. I already have calendula and some monarda seed, and will plant them in a day or so, since I think we’ve seen the last of frost. I also must put in some lettuce, and spinach, and maybe some shallots. Oh it’s a lovely time of year, the beginning of the garden (small though it may be) for this year.