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'Something magical': Massive B.C. car show drives into Penticton

The 22nd annual Peach City Beach Cruise kicked off Friday, June 21

An annual summertime tradition returned to downtown Penticton on Saturday, June 22, as hundreds of cars and thousands of people took over Lakeshore Drive for the 22nd edition of the Peach City Beach Cruise.

Joined by the weekly downtown markets on Main Street, Western Canada's premier car show returned with 775 vehicles, live entertainment, food trucks and family-friendly activities.

"There's really something magical about this show," said Donna Reimann, president of the Peach City Beach Cruise. "It's so nice to see so many people here and always special to see all the cars here every year."

Thousands of people were seen across the city's downtown core Saturday, with event organizers also welcoming live bands and local vendors inside Gyro Park.

Reimann, who has served on the show's board since its inception in 2001, said around 200 volunteers worked together to help make the show a reality.

"This community is amazing when it comes to helping out," she said. 

From old street rods from the 1950s to newer corvettes and even old-school service trucks, vehicles from all eras were on display along Lakeshore and at Lakawana and Rotary parks.

Reimann said she was thrilled to see cars she'd never seen before at the show.

Festivities kicked off at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, when hundreds of eager car enthusiasts from across North America picked up their registration forms and parking passes.

Less than 12 hours later, vehicles participated in the annual "cruise" by driving from Skaha Park East to the city's downtown core.

"It was such an incredible experience to see so many early in the morning anxious and excited to get going, that was a highlight for me," Reimann said.

The Peach City Beach Cruise wraps up Sunday morning in Gyro Park, as Penticton firefighters serve up pancakes and event organizers hand out awards to car owners in select categories.

Festivities inside Gyro Park on Sunday start at 7 a.m, with trophies expected to be awarded at 11 a.m. Admission is free.

"The entire weekend is my favourite part of the show," Reimann said with a laugh.

"It's the kick-off to summer."