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'Fun, nerdy' Seedy Saturday sprouts at Saanich community hall

Saanich Seedy Saturday is Feb. 8 at Prospect Lake Community Hall
Saanich Seedy Saturday is set for Feb. 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Prospect Lake Community Hall, 5358 Spartan Rd.

Expect ideas to germinate, as gardeners of all stripes gather for the first Seedy event in Greater Victoria.

Saanich celebrates Seedy Saturday at Prospect Lake Community Hall on Feb. 8, in an event hosted by Haliburton Community Organic Farm.

“It’s a wide variety of people who come. It can be the absolute beginner who loves plants, to the person who’s been growing a lush garden for 30 years,” said organizer Kristina Coleman. “It’s a very fun, nerdy event. Real enthusiasts can come and take time to ask questions.”

With admission by donation, guests can enjoy local seed, plant and garden helper vendors, speakers, a raffle and children’s table.

“It’s fun to see what kind of vendors are out there selling seeds,” Coleman said, adding it’s a great way to see where local food is coming from. Plus there’s always a seed swap table for folks looking to trade.

The educational component, including master gardeners on hand, includes workshops and clinics covering questions on growing, from the simple stuff to the really specific. 

“This is the place to come if you want to ask which bean is the best to grow in whatever conditions,” Coleman said.

Saanich Seedy Saturday is Feb. 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Prospect Lake Community Hall, 5358 Spartan Rd.

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